The Effective Teacher: Single Discs

The Effective Teacher: Single Discs
These DVDs captures the warmth, humor, and enthusiasm of Harry K. Wong. He shows what effective teachers do to cause student achievement. It is all common sense, research-based, non-controversial, basic information and techniques used by effective teachers shared in an entertaining, easy-to-implement format.
Publisher-Direct Price: $72.00
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Watch Harry K. Wong over and over again in your favorite video from The Effective Teacher. Each disc is available for individual sale so that a teacher who needs help can look at certain sections or a staff developer, coach, or administrator can use a particular part over a period of time.
We have repackaged the single discs for less impact on the environment and have passed those savings on to you.
Each DVD contains
- one of each of the eight parts of the series,
- the complete Facilitator’s Handbook with the transcript of the entire series in PDF format,
- an expanded Facilitator’s Guide that walks the facilitator through each part and provides questions for discussion and follow-up,
- PDF files of all the graphics used in the production,
- PowerPoint slides of all of the graphics from the series,
- a video file of all of the opening music and commentaries that begin each of the eight parts, and
- closed captioning.
The information in the presentation correlates with THE First Days of School for a coherent teacher training package.
Each DVD series showcases best practices used by effective teachers that can be used year round with any grade level.
- Eight DVDs of varying lengths
- Facilitator’s Handbook on all DVDs
Single videos fromThe Effective Teacher are also available in a digital format as streaming video. Access the Digital customers link for more information.
Disc Titles
The Effective Teacher
Disc, Title, and Topic Length Part 1
The Effective Teacher
00:32What is an effective teacher
How to use research-based practices to be
a happy, effective teacherPart 2
The First Days of School
00:36The need to succeed on the first day of school
How to begin each day of schoolPart 3
Discipline and Procedures
00:36How to have a well-managed classroom
How procedures differ from disciplinePart 4
Procedures and Routines
00:55How procedures teach students responsibility
How to dress for successPart 5
Cooperative Learning and Culture
00:47How to prepare your students for
tomorrow’s world
The importance of a classroom culturePart 6
Lesson Mastery
00:33How to increase student learning
and achievement
How to get your students to do their workPart 7
The Professional Educator
00:41How to achieve happiness and success
as a teacher
How to become a professional educatorPart 8
Positive Expectations
00:20How to design assignments that will build
student success
How to increase positive student behaviorTotal Time:
5 hours - Preview
Volume Pricing
Individual DVDs are not available for quantity pricing.
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